Let's make impact together!

Want to collaborate?

Let's join forces to end ocean plastics for good.

With so many ocean-loving brands out there, partnering up to make an even bigger impact is a no-brainer.

Since our launch in 2018 MBRC the ocean has collaborated with companies that love the ocean as much as we do.
Focussing on cleaning the ocean, creating awareness and educating the next generation of ocean citizens.


We are always looking for enthusiastic, professional and like-minded companies to work with. All partnerships are tailor-made and a result of close cooperation.
Let's join forces to end ocean plastics for good.


If you would like more information on our business and tailormade collboration, please contact us.


If you would like more information on our retail business please contact us.


If you would like more information on our business and tailormade co-brand, please contact us.


If you would like more information donations please contact us.

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